Tiffany Lee (Krupke) Gnirk, 27

June 21st, 1993 - November 16, 2020
Tiffany Lee (Krupke) Gnirk, 27, of Holdingford, MN, passed away on Monday, November 16, 2020, at the age of 27, with her husband and mother at her side. She fought so hard after complications from gallstone pancreatitis.
A memorial service will take place at Salem Church, Zion Township, in rural Paynesville on Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Memorials preferred in lieu of flowers. As preventative measures for reducing the spread of COVID-19, attendees are asked to wear a mask and to practice social distancing wherever possible.
Tiffany must have had some grand calling to heaven since she made her time here on earth one of caring, kindness, and love.
Tiffany had a big, sweet heart that could be felt even if you only met her in passing. She loved all animals and projected onto them the love she had for those around her. She had a quirky sense of humor that helped her through any life situation she came across.
As a young child, Tiffany was an avid writer. She asked the Paynesville Press, her local paper, if she could start writing articles from the “teen perspective”. At age 13 when she was in the 7th grade, Tiffany’s articles started to be published weekly. Her writing was done so eloquently, sharing exactly what she was thinking about in her teenage years. After earning two years of college credit in high school and completing an internship at the Paynesville Press, Tiffany attended St. Cloud State University where she became the editor of the school’s paper, the University Chronicle. After graduating from St. Cloud State, where she met her husband, she worked at jobs where she could express her love for animals by caring for them. Tiffany then decided that occupational therapy would be a good fit for her and graduated from OT-assistant school this past spring. Through her internships, she found that working with children with mental health issues would become her passion. While in the hospital, she was even offered a job at a residential treatment center for children. They were willing to wait for her to recover.
Tiffany was born on June 21st, 1993, at the Paynesville Hospital. It’s fitting that she was born on the first day of summer, a day which we all cherish in Minnesota. Tiffany was baptized and confirmed at the Paynesville Lutheran Church. She married her sweetheart, Andrew Gnirk, on June 25th, 2015.
She is survived by her incredibly loving husband, Andrew Gnirk of Holdingford, MN, her parents Denise Bahr and Brady Krupke, half-sister Alicia Varner (Scott and Tucker), her grandfather, Dean Bahr (Sue Drager) and grandmother, Ann Krupke, and her aunts, uncles and cousins: Deb Bahr-Helgen (Lee, Evan and Luke Helgen), Michelle Bahr (Robert Hostetler, Olivia and Noah Drontle), Lisa Bahr (Russ Pregler), and Julie (Chris) Thorstenson (Tyler and Gavin Warnberg) and many loving extended family. She was preceded in death by her sister, Kayla, in 2019, and grandmother, Rose. We thank the ICU staff at M Health Fairview for their excellent and loving care of Tiffany. You will be missed, Tiffany, and you mattered to this world. Just like summer, we will cherish the time in which we will meet you again.