Cold Spring American Legion Auxiliary Unit 455 is launching our annual Poppy distribution program. Poppies will be available for a donation on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 9th, 10th and 11th. One hundred percent of the donations received go directly to assist disabled, hospitalized and continuing needs of our Veterans. The poppy program has been a cornerstone of the American Legion beginning in 1921 when the bright red poppies became the official flower of the American Legion Auxiliary. They represent the memory of soldiers who fought on the battlefields of western Belgium and Northern France during WWI. Many weary soldiers brought home the memory of a barren landscape with thousands of white crosses with no names transformed by bright red poppies. It’s one of the oldest and most recognized programs of the Auxiliary representing an emblem of sacrifice for those who served our country. Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae with the Canadian Expeditionary Force a doctor and soldier found out a close friend Alex Helmer had died in the Second Battle at Yrpes. After performing the burial service, he noticed how quickly red poppies grew over the graves. To honor those who had died, he authored a Poem “In Flanders Field.” Captivated by his poem, Ms. Moina Michael, a Red Cross volunteer for the soldiers bought poppies in a New York City department store. She distributed them at the YMCA while on duty at the YMCA Overseas Conference where she worked asking them to wear the poppy as a tribute to the fallen. Moina lobbied for the American Legion to have veterans assemble poppies as a fundraising effort. She then spearheaded a campaign resulting in the adoption of the poppy as the official flower being a national symbol of sacrifice. “The Poppy Lady’s” an amazing woman whose burst of inspiration over 100 years ago remains a reminder and a tribute to our fallen. Ms. Michaels wrote a response to McRae’s poem, “The blood of heroes never dies but lends a luster in the red of the flower that blooms above the dead in Flander’s Fields.” Although WWI was over in 1918 American’s service members would rest forever in Flanders Fields but will be remembered due to her commitment to our Veterans. Poppy flowers are held near and dear to the hearts of our Veterans because of what they represent. In addition, assembling the poppies together petal by petal of paper bound together by veterans provides disabled veterans with a rehabilitation activity and a small personal income. In 2017 The American Legion petitioned Congress to designate the Friday before Memorial Day as National Poppy Day to honor the fallen and support the living. This year that date is May 25th. By wearing or displaying your poppy it brings greater awareness to the symbolic flower. It is vital that we continue to recognize the courageous efforts of our veterans. We remember our fallen casualties of war and support the living heroes and their families of our country. Our Auxiliary sincerely thanks you for your support by blossoming the lives of many Veterans that sacrificed so much for the freedoms we enjoy every day. The Auxiliary’s poppy program will not only honor every service member who died in the name of liberty, freedom and democracy but provide support for veterans for generations to come through this simple “Red flower of Remembrance.”