If you watch any news you know a popular subject is immigration – illegal, or not. Recently, somewhere, I read that over 2,500 people are trying to enter the United States – most of them illegally – daily. I tried my best to find any documentation that would tell me what our government gives these people, but everything I found was so complicated that I gave up reading and trying to understand how our tax dollars are spent to support people who are leaving another country, coming here, and trying to make their lives better. The complicity of what I read during my research left me feeling that if I wanted to understand what immigrants (illegal, or otherwise) receive, it would take me hours and hours of reading – even then there’s an extremely good chance I wouldn’t understand it.
This might be my opinion, but I feel there has to be some reason all these people make living here in the United States, their goal. There must be some information available to them that tells them this is where they need to go to be taken care of. I understand if they believe that living here has to be easier than where they came from, or are they just taking a chance?
I’m not sure why, or when, things got so complicated, but it seems that if it deals with anything coming from our government you will need a very analytical mind to figure out things that are defined by way more words than would be necessary to the average person.
It doesn’t take much reasoning to figure that those crossing our borders aren’t just pushed into a corner and forgotten – they are fed, probably clothed, given necessary medical treatment, and given a place to sleep, until they enter some federal program designed to provide them the care they need.
It’s nearly impossible to catch them at the border and simply turn them around. Most of them, very likely, traveled by foot for days or paid outrageous amounts of money for a ride to the United States border, then left on their own – many as a family unit.
For a long time, I’ve wondered how long our government could continue to support the people wishing to come to America – again, illegal or not. But then I remembered our government isn’t afraid to spend more money than they have. Feeling responsible for people coming to America, or providing money or equipment for other countries fighting wars – along with many other government programs – is why America has a nearly 35 trillion dollar debt, and it grows every second.
Yet we can’t just turn people away – or not provide for them.
I have to admit, I was pleased to see states, like Florida, transporting illegal immigrants to other (politically driven) states to draw attention to the problem.
Have A Good Week!