On January 8th, employees from Stearns Electric Association shared messages of electrical safety to third graders at Cold Spring Elementary and fourth graders at St. Boniface in Cold Spring.
As part of Stearns Electric’s commitment to safety and community, the Cooperative presents its Energy Education program to fourth grade classrooms throughout its service territory annually. The engaging program not only teaches students how electricity gets to their homes and schools but also demonstrates the importance of electrical safety.
Stearns Electric’s live, energized home and farm model serves as the highpoint of each presentation. Though students are always fascinated with the electrical sparks and arc flashes demonstrated on the model, they more importantly gain a memorable and impactful understanding of electrical hazards and how to stay safe.
“By educating students about the importance of energy efficiency and electrical safety, we are empowering the next generation to make informed decisions and prioritize safety,” said Katie Anderson, member and employee engagement coordinator, Stearns Electric Association. “We hope they take what they have learned, especially the safety information, and share it with their loved ones at home.”
Each presentation concludes with dressing up one lucky student as a line worker. Donning a hard hat, rubber gloves, pole climbers, safety glasses and a utility belt, students experience the real-life equipment line workers use daily.
For more information on the Cooperative’s Energy Education Program, visit stearnselectric.org.
Linemen Blake Thompson demonstrates the safety display at Cold Spring Elementary School.
Thompson demonstrates the safety display at St. Boniface School.